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Social Media

Bad design by design, Politics, Social Media

Obama and Romney on Twitter… a major #fail

In a previous blog post, I said that Obama and Romney have failed at replying to Twitter followers – as noted by the ‘no replies’ that can be found on their Twitter profiles. They or their campaign have never replied to any of their followers. I said this was an utter failure because they could […]

Politics, Social Media

Praise and indictment for celebs on Twitter

Before it was cool I’ve been on Twitter since 2006 and have tweeted 9,651 times (at the time of this writing). I was on Twitter years before it was cool. I’ve watched Twitter ‘grow up’ in a sense. It’s a small world In the last few years, I’ve really started to notice how celebrities have […]

Branding, Creative Improv, Politics, Social Media, Viral Advertising

Social Media & Brands

Just yesterday, I spoke to Lambda Pi Eta, the communication department’s honor society at Truman State University. I was connected to them by fellow Mountain Dew and Twitter addict, Don Krause (@santee). I was über nervous about speaking, as I always am, but I think I overcame that fear. I talked about my experience with […]

Politics, Social Media

Politicians turning to Social Media

Just a quick thought here – Does anyone find it very interesting that Sarah Palin has taken her voice to Facebook and Twitter almost exclusively? She is calling the shots and making the mainstream media report on what she just wrote on these social sites. It is unprecedented that a politician could so overtly avoid […]

Social Media

This is what social media is all about

While traditional media was about putting your brand out there full force with no real interaction, social media is about a human conversation with your friends, fans and customers. Here is the perfect example of Andrew Garcia, the American Idol star connecting with his fans in a real way. The fans talk and he listens […]

My Life, Social Media

Ruby Tuesday’s missed opportunity

Recently I tweeted about Ruby Tuesday and expressed my dissatisfaction for the service I received. For a company this large not to have a presence on twitter is a missed opportunity. Companies large and small should be using to crawl twitter for mentions about their business. When someone is dissatisfied about their product or […]

My Life, Photography, Social Media, Usability

Samsung Acclaim – my new phone

It’s no iPhone, but it’s still pretty awesome. Of course, my last phone was a flip phone with absolutely no internet access. This is the first phone US Cellular is selling that has Google’s new Android OS. Being from Google, it integrates really well with any of your google accounts – gmail, youtube, voice, talk, […]