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Conferences, Inspiration, Travel

An Event Apart: The Long Web

At An Event Apart – Austin 2013, Jeremy Keith shared his thoughts on new HTML5 features to be using as well as how he likes to build for short and long timescales. Here are my take-aways: Treat navigation as second. On mobile, you can decide to only place navigation at the bottom of your site. […]

Conferences, Inspiration, Travel

An Event Apart: The Mobile Content Mandate

At An Event Apart – Austin 2013, Karen McGrane shared some interesting facts and statistics on mobile web usage and her thoughts on disruptive innovation. Here are my take-aways from the talk: Some will say, “Why would anyone want to do ____________ on mobile?” It could be something like, do your taxes, apply for a […]

Conferences, Inspiration, Responsive Web Design, Travel

An Event Apart: The map & the territory

At An Event Apart – Austin 2013, Ethan Marcotte shared his thoughts on how our conversation about enhancing the web incorrectly centers around the map (people from different locations) instead of around the territory (people of similar demographics). Here are my take-aways from the talk: Responsive design consists of three things: a fluid grid, flexible […]

Conferences, Inspiration, Responsive Web Design, Travel

An Event Apart: A write/read (mobile) web

At An Event Apart – Austin 2013, Luke Wroblewski shared his thoughts on how we should be designing for mobile creation. This means – how should we build web forms and interactive websites that take into account the user’s habits/posture when using their device. Here are my take-aways from his talk. The ‘mobile moment’ is […]

Conferences, Inspiration, Travel

An Event Apart: Content/Communication

At An Event Apart – Austin 2013, Kristina Halvorson shared her thoughts on content strategy for the web. Here are my take-aways from the talk. Create consistency in your content Create cohesiveness in your content The content is not for us, it’s for the audience The story informs the format – think content first. My […]

Inspiration, Someone Once Said...

Paul Rand once said…

Good design adds value of some kind, gives meaning, and, not incidentally, can be sheer pleasure to behold; it respects the viewer’s sensibilities and rewards the entrepreneur. —Paul Rand