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Chicago 2006!!!

The AIGA trip to Chicago was amazing. And not because there were 6 guys and 19 girls on the trip. Because I realized that I loved the atmosphere and the work environment that the design firm had, that we visited. I definitely want to live there sometime before I settle down.

Here’s what trip was like.
We left on Thursday night. I rode with Jessica, Schuyler and Julia. We stayed at Julia’s parents house for Thursday night. Jessica and I realized how crazy senior VisComm majors really are. Schuyler just kept screaming “Chicago 2006”.

Friday moring we headed to the city to check into the hotel and visit The Grillo Group. It’s a design firm of 3-4 designers and they do some awesome stuff. They went through a normal day for them and showed us some of their work. They also took a lot of our questions.

After visiting The Grillo Group we walked to the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was pretty awesome, but I think The Art Institute is much better. We went to the Art Institute on Saturday and then headed home.

At Giordanno’s for dinner

Jessica and I at the Museum of Contemporary Art

Art Institute of Chicago

Julia, Me, Jessica, someone, and someone else (two freshman who I don’t know the names of)

Jessica and I outside of Chipotle


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